Saturday, January 05, 2008

"Author of Hebrews" Vodcast Up and Running

The first vodcast of my Hebrews course is now up and running! It's on the author of Hebrews. I know the format can be improved so feel free to make suggestions.

Here's the link to Adobe Connect.


Anonymous said...

Great format, Ken. I am sure that you could get a better camera and lighting (if you have a budget), but you communicate well and it is helpful to have your outline up on the page as well.

Is this IWU's technology or something that you are creating on your own?

What are you using as a camera? A Mac?

Ken Schenck said...

Keith Drury has suggested I post a "how to" here for anyone interested in doing it. Basically, IWU has a license with Adobe Connect (which bought Breeze) to have entire courses in this format (quizzes, chats, etc...). This software can even bring online things back to synchronous classrooms. Using Adobe you could actually go back to having classtimes online with the whole class meeting together.

But I uploaded both PowerPoint and video straight from my kitchen, using a normal camcorder and a firewire hooked to my laptop.

Chris Tilling said...

You, sir, are a quite the brilliant speaker! Really engaing, well done! And a superb format.

Have you heard of Prof. Clare Rothschild's work (Lewis University [Chicago]/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität [München])? She argues that Hebrews was written attempting to pseudepigraphally claim Pauline authorship. I found it interesting but was personally left unpersuaded. I can give you her e-mail address if you are interested.

Ken Schenck said...

Is she the one who has a chapter in the volume on Hebrews put out by International SBL Hebrews group? I've heard this idea but never thought it had enough merit to pursue.

Someone--perhaps it was her--has emailed me before when I've suggested here that the author was almost certainly male. I should dig up that email.

Thanks for watching it... with your wit you would absolutely knock this format out of the park. [or should I say bowl over the wicket, not sure how you put that]

Mike Cline said...

Is there anything better than being back in the classroom with Schenck at 5:35 am on a Monday morning?

And I thought 7:50's were rough!

I know you really hit the idea of not separating Jewish and Greek thought so easily, which is something I got nailed for doing in my hermeneutics class. I guess my question would be if a non-Jew wrote Hebrews, there could possibly still be a focus on the cultus system, but wouldn't it look different? And wouldn't the temple play less of a role?

I guess these are the items that always made me immediately say "oh yeah, a Jew must have written this because it's much more in line with 'jewish' concerns." Is this poor scholarship?

Ken Schenck said...

I do in the end think it more likely that a Jew wrote Hebrews, as I said in the vodcast. By the end of the third cast (which I hope to do this morning), I hope you'll see some more of where I'm coming from...

Chris Tilling said...

Hi Ken,
"Is she the one who has a chapter in the volume on Hebrews put out by International SBL Hebrews group?"
I'm not sure, to be honest. My only contact with her was a a visiting speaker for a seminar in Tübingen. I said then, if the writer wanted to make it look like a Pauline 'forgery' (her term), then why not explicitly claim Paul wrote, as with the Pastoral Epistels.

"Thanks for watching it... with your wit you would absolutely knock this format out of the park"

Well, thanks! But I always feel a bit odd speaking into a camera! You make it look easy!