Monday, September 28, 2020

Chapter 9 -- Global Intro to Bible -- Pre-Modern Interpretation

It is difficult for me to establish a regular regimen of reading. I have so many interests. There are so many books. I have a day job, which currently leans heavily toward the administrative.

But read I must. Today I blew through chapter 9 of this excellent new volume edited by Michael Gorman: Scripture and Its Interpretation: A Global, Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible. The title of the chapter, "Pre-Modern Interpretation of the Bible" made me think at first it might be hermeneutical in focus. It turned out to be chronological in orientation--pre-the modern era.

Still, it was a good chapter. For a student, I have to think it would be numbing. I already knew the players and content so it flew by for me. But what a firehose if you have no prior background! It seems to me you would almost need someone to walk through the chapter with you. 

Nevertheless, it's all here. These are the things to know about the story of hermeneutics from Christ to Calvin... in 19 pages.

A chapter observed.

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