Friday, January 01, 2016

New Year's Resolutions 2016

And now for the requite New Year's Day post.

Looking Back
1. A change in roles was already in play a year ago, although few people knew it at the time. I think I had a great first semester back in the School of Theology and Ministry. It's a superb team under a superb leader (I jotted down some reflections on my first semester).

Send us your kids and, if you're graduating this year and twiddling your thumbs trying to figure out what to do, come do our MA in Christian Ministry (and take me and Abson Joseph for graduate level Bible, John Drury for theology, and much more). The content is the equivalent of an MDIV degree in two years!

2. Here are last year's resolutions. How did I do?
Looking Forward
1. I'd like to finish writing two academic books this year. May the first one be done by the end of January, the second by mid-year.

2. I'd like to finish some more of my self-publishing ventures: the theology series and maybe one or two of my new "Seminary in a Nutshell" series. I'm also thinking of putting together my women in ministry thoughts in a slightly more extensive form, since the Wesleyan booklet isn't available on Amazon.

3. I have a stack of books... many books I hope to wander through this year. The first one I hope to start with is one recommended by Keith Drury: Revolution by Gene Edwards:

4. My step-daughter Stacy gave Angie and me fitbits for Christmas. So I hope to run again in the spring-summer, but I've already hit 10,000 steps a day for the past six days.

5. The usual physics and math resolution (note to self, 562, 376, 155). I'm also hoping finally to finish Peter Collier's A Most Incomprehensible Thing by the end of this year.

Happy New Year!

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