Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top Ten Posts of 2014

Here are my 2014 statistics, following the numbers in Google Analytics.  As of last night, I had over 80,500 pageviews and almost 30,000 unique visitors. I'm up over 4,000 page views from last year and up about 1500 unique visitors.

From Previous Years
As usual, some of my most visited pages were not even from 2014 but from earlier years. For example,
So only two of the top hits on my blog for this year were actually posted this year! :-)

Top Ten of 2014
Now for the top ten posts actually from 2014. Any numbers below are not really accurate because I assume many people do not actually click on the specific post but read it from the basic blog landing page.

And now, the top 10 posts from 2014:

10. I reviewed the "Noah Movie" in March (# 31 overall).

9. I tried to quell misinformation about IWU and abortion in "Making Money Off Christians." (#29).

8. I reviewed the movie, "God's Not Dead" in April (#24 overall).

7. I reviewed Bart Ehrman's book, and the chapter, "Did Jesus Think He Was God" was #21 overall.

6. "Immigration Reform" was #19 overall, from November.

5. "Trump Verse Hermeneutics" from February was #16 overall.

4. "Let the Wesleyan Movement Begin" from May was #15 overall.

3. Number 3 from this year (#12 overall) was my theology in bullet points post in March that launched the theology series I've been doing on Sundays this past year.

2. Number 2 (also #2 overall) was about the proposed closing of Nazarene Publishing House, which in the end didn't happen (as predicted). It was just reorganized. (1434 page specific views)

1. And my number 1 post for the year was my reporting on the Ken Ham/Bill Nye debate in February. I tried to be somewhat middle of the road in my reaction. (1525 page specific views)

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