The men rushed together to Aristarchus and began to push him around.
“You don’t think Artemis is real? Well, she’s about to kill you.”
“I believe in things that are real, Demetrius, not gods someone like you can make in a shop,” Aristarchus said, moving right into Demetrius’ face. Meanwhile, Gaius emerged from inside, hearing the commotion.
“You hear him, he doesn’t even think Artemis exists!” Demetrius roared. “You, Christ-slave.”
“I’d rather be a king’s slave than serve a piece of metal like you do, Demetrius. You had better wise up before God rains down fire and destroys this temple of yours.”
With that a man rushed on Aristarchus and starting beating him. It wasn’t long before the others had grabbed Gaius. The group was mostly metalworkers, so they were strong and could easily have killed the two. But the crowd around them thickened quickly and things got very confusing.
With hardly any room to move and fear of Roman intervention, Demetrius shouted, “To the Theater!” and a couple of his compatriots picked them up and began making their way down the street.
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