Friday, August 05, 2005

Novel Snippet 3

I enjoyed writing this paragraph:

"By the time Demetrius was finished talking to the guild, you could hear their voices getting increasingly louder outside their shops. The metalworkers of Ephesus were located in a series of shops just inside the northern portico of the Arcadian Way. This street ran east-west from the theater in the east (just under Mt. Pion) down to the harbor in the west. Ironically, the leather working shops were just a little further down this street toward the harbor, off the opposite, southern portico. It was there that Aquila and Paul both had leatherworking shops."


  1. When can we expect this book to come out?

  2. The operative answer with me and novels is "never." I'm only at about 25 pages. The furthest I've ever gotten was about 50. I'll tell you when I pass that record :)

    Otherwise, hope you don't mind the paragraphs. My wife Angie says there's too much history so far and not enough action. I guess I'll have to put in a (holy) kissing scene or something.
