Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sermon Starters: A Peace That Makes no Sense

Text: Philippians 4:4-7
Context: Silver Lake Camp

  • Neville from Harry Potter scene from final movie as he wakes up 
  • The Song: "Firm Foundation" 
  • It's hard to explain, but if you've had a moment like that, you understand: 
  • "I've still got joy in chaos. I've got peace that makes no sense." I. 

I. The world is always in chaos, but God is in control.
  • I had no idea there would be an attempt to assassinate former President Trump when I planned this sermon. 
  • There's not much we can do to address the chaos of the world. We can vote. 
  • There have been Christians in history who have watched their countries be taken over by other countries. There have been Christians who have watched their country deteriorate from the inside, and all they could do was pray -- Frau Michel. 
  • Conversation I had with a conspiracy theorist once.
... but God is in control
  • We are citizens of a heavenly country (Phil. 3) 
  • Our homeland is in heaven (Hebrews 11) 
  • "Be anxious for nothing, and make your requests to God" 
  • "But if not" (Dan. 3:18) 
  • The key is to center ourselves on God, outside of ourselves. If our center is in God, then it doesn't matter so much what happens to me.
II. Sometimes our individual world is in chaos, but God is on our side.
  • Money can be a problem (Ps. 37:25 -- God will get us through) 
  •  Sickness can be a problem (friends this year) but God will walk us through 
  • Divorce and relationships can be a problem. God will walk us through.
... but God is on our side.
  • Sometimes he delivers. Sometimes he doesn't (Hebrews 11). 
  • He always walks us through. 
  • He's there even when we don't feel it. 
  • Sometimes he's on our side when our feelings or mind are all twisted and we think he has become our enemy (Anakin and Obi Wan in Revenge of the Sith)
III. God promises a peace that makes no sense!
  • Philippians 4 -- "Rejoice!" and Paul is in prison 
  • "I have learned to be content. 
  • It's a God thing. Not something we can muster up on our own. 
  • It's a prayer thing as we "other" our center on God. 
  • It's a Scripture thing... but reading Scripture with the realization that God is love. 
  • Not the God concept of one looking to blow us away.
You don't just run a marathon. You train for it. You train for that peace in chaos that makes no sense. It's a long race with the occasional sprint.

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