Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Week in Review (July 22, 2023)

It's been another week that flashed by. Not sure I have much of great interest to share. I spent a good bit of time in the second half of the week putting flesh on the "Basic Christian Beliefs" micro-course built around video that Chris Bounds has done with Campus/Kingswood. I think it will be a fairly interesting micro-course that will be available for free through Kingswood Learn. I continue to work on a College Algebra class too.

As far as my own goals, I've tried to put a pulse through my weekly projects. Some of them are long-term and slow-going (Linear Algebra, Quantum Mechanics). I suppose I'll mention that I am about halfway through building a Romans course for Udemy. I've done over two hours of video for it so far. My wife Angie has been out of town this week, so I can make more noise in the house than usual. I had hoped to finish the essential course before she gets back.

Tomorrow I'll finish my podcast series on "A Brief Guide to Wesleyan Holiness." But the writing up of it is only in fragments. It was my goal to publish it this month. It could happen.

I'll leave it at that. I came out of COVID this week. Managed to resume running yesterday and today.

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