Monday, March 13, 2023

Messages of the Prophets: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai

With this post we will only have Jeremiah and Ezekiel left. The prophets of this post are mostly just before the exile, with Haggai just afterwards.


1. Nahum

About the fall of Assyria in the late 600s BC. 

Chapters 1-2 -- the oppressor will be judged and Judah will have peace (oppression)

3:1 -- Nineveh was a city of blood, with piles of dead (3:3)

3:4 -- Its prostitution and witchcraft

3:19 -- its endless cruelty

Summary: Nineveh is being judged for its violence and oppression of other nations (what goes around comes around)

2. Habakkuk

As Babylon approached in the late 600s/early 500s BC

1:2 -- the Lord is against violence

1:3-4 -- injustice in the land

2:6 -- the piling up of stolen goods (concrete wrongs to others)

2:8 -- Against Babylon for plundering other nations (violence and oppression)

2:9 -- unjust gain

2:17 violence of Babylon

2:18-19 -- idols are pointless (love God)

Chapter 3 -- the Lord will bring deliverance (hope)

Summary: A lot of hope in the midst of judgment, judgment for violence and concrete wrongs to others. A reiteration of loving God.

3. Zephaniah

Time of Josiah, late 600s BC

1:4 -- against the worship of Ba'al (love God)

1:9 -- against violence and deceit

1:13, 18 -- against the wealthy who prosper at the expense of the people (social justice)

2:3 -- seek the Lord in humility (hope)

2:11 -- other gods (love God)

Chapter 2 -- judgment on the nations for their oppression

3:1 -- woe to oppressors

3:1-5 -- injustice, dishonest leaders, corruption, arrogance

3:15 -- hope for restoration

Summary: General judgment of Judah's leaders for injustice and corruption, promised judgment on those who are oppressors, hope for the righteous and humble. All this goes with serving the true God.

4. Haggai

Dates to late 500s BC, after Judah has returned from captivity, before temple rebuilt in 516BC.

Chapter 1 -- rebuild the temple (hope)

Chapter 2 -- glory of the new temple will be greater than that of the first (hope)

Summary: Haggai is full of hope both for a restored temple and a restored ruler

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