Sunday, March 12, 2023

Messages of the Prophets (Isaiah 40-66)

In a previous post, I looked at themes in the first half of Isaiah. Here is a quick look at the second half, which relates to the late 500s BC.


II. Chapters 40-55 have sometimes been called "Second Isaiah." They relate especially to the time around Cyrus conquering Babylon (ca. 539-38BC).

Chapter 40: hope of return from exile; Yahweh is great (love God)

40:18-20 -- idols are a burden on the poor (other gods; social justice)

Chapter 41 -- Yahweh is great; idols are not (love God, other gods, hope)

41:17 -- God cares for the poor (social justice)

42:3-4 -- God brings justice

42:7 -- God frees the captives (social justice)

Chapter 42 -- idols are pointless (love God)

Chapter 43 -- hope to return from captivity

Chapter 44 -- God is the redeemer, the only true God; idols are pointless (hope, love God)

Chapter 45 -- God is great and bringing Jews home (hope)

Chapter 46 -- God is great; idols are pointless; redemption is coming (love God, hope)

Chapter 47 -- Judgment on Babylon the oppressor (judgment, oppression)

48:1 -- half-hearted service to Yahweh; idols are pointless 14 (love God)

Chapter 49 -- hope for return from Babylon

Chapter 50 -- judgment was because Israel was unfaithful (love God)

Chapter 51 -- God is bringing salvation (hope)

Chapter 52 -- God news is on the way (hope)

Chapter 53 -- The suffering servant, past Israel has paid the penalty so present Israel can be redeemed (hope)

54:8 -- God judged them but is now going to save them (hope)

Chapter 55 -- hope is on the way

III. Chapters 56-66 are sometimes called "Third Isaiah." They picture a time after Israel's return but probably before the temple was rebuilt in 516BC.

56:2 -- keeping Sabbath (love God)

56:3-6 -- foreigner and eunuch should be included (social justice)

Chapter 57 -- those who serve idols, prostitutes, adulterers, sacrificers of children (love God)

57:15 -- God revives the lowly in spirit (humility before God)

58:3, 6, 9 -- exploitation of workers, set the oppressed free (oppression)

58:13 -- honoring the Sabbath (love God)

59:3, 7 -- blood, false dealing (concrete wrongs against others)

Chapter 60 -- hope of restoration

61:1 -- good news to poor, captive, to blind (social justice)

Chapters 61-65 -- hope of restoration (and judgment of wrongdoers)


These chapters are filled with hope for the restoration of Judah and the return from exile. This is especially true of the first half. The theme of the greatness of Yahweh, the pointlessness of idols, and the need to worship Yahweh also fills the section. Then there are also the usual themes of social justice, not wronging others, and the evil of oppression.

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