Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Novel excerpt 2.1

Since I publicly said I was starting this novel, I guess I will have to continue. I posted an excerpt from the first chapter here. 

Here is a first excerpt from the second chapter:


... Matt ate it up. He had gone to public school, and this was what he had been looking for, a school that was permeated with a “biblical worldview.” If anything, he would be disappointed by how much time teachers gave to perspectives he considered fundamentally unbiblical. Matt was a pre-med, biology major. The biology department didn’t endorse evolution, but they believed students should know the theory. Matt was ready. He had read a number of books on intelligent design and creation science in high school. If his professors left out any arguments against evolution, he was ready to fill in the gaps.

Brad started out a pre-med, chemistry major. To be honest, I didn’t see him as a doctor. He was smart enough, but he was a bit clumsy and impractical. He was great, but I would be afraid for him to operate on me. I'd be afraid he'd accidentally leave a scalpel inside. No one blinked an eye when he switched to ministry his second year.

We all had at least one class together. Matt, Brad, and Jessica all had freshman biology. April and I both had psychology. Looking back, I don’t remember half the classes I took. There’s something seriously wrong about that, especially given how much money we were borrowing. Matt was always complaining about what a colossal waste of money it was. Only Brad and April actually seemed to like their classes...

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