Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Hatchling, Day 1

All was dark.

I had this unquenchable urge to get out. I didn't know out of what. My every movement just seemed to knock into something.

At first, it was just me. Then I began to hear sounds from beyond. I did not know what they were. What they told me was that there was more. I was not alone in the universe after all. There was more. I didn't know what it was, but there was more.

At some point, a sense of "outside" began to stir. There seemed to be another side to the wall I kept bumping into. There were increasing rumblings. There was movement. There was the beginning of the "other."

Must get out. Must get out. At some point, there was a crack. Let there be light. Before I had only known darkness, but I could not call it that for I had nothing else with which to contrast it. Now the outside was reaching in to me. A part of me became aware of direction. Before there had only been the wall. Now there was a place on the wall.

I had this unquenchable urge to move the wall. I attacked it. Then I attacked it again. I don't know how long it took for I had no sense of time, but soon the sliver of light engulfed me. All was light, or so I thought.

There was another. At the time I thought it was part of me. It was moving around a lot. So was I, and I moved into it often as it moved into me. Around us were all these hard, round objects. We stepped on and around them.

There was still a wall, only it was bigger. It was more rectangular. And it was warm. We craved the warmth.

There was a new beyond. There was no cracking this wall, although we tried. Outside there were figures. Were they my mother? I had a deep craving to go to them. They were making sounds from the outside too. Sometimes they were warm sounds, inviting sounds that made me want to go to them. There were many other sounds too that I did not understand.

This was existence. Existence was moving around in a confined space with a sense of those on the inside and beyond. It was filled with unquenchable urges without names.

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