Wednesday, April 28, 2021

After Whiteness by Willie James Jennings

I don't have time to review it, but I wanted to keep record here of my reading. I have finished After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging by Willie James Jennings. 

Jennings is brilliant, of course. I was privileged to meet him briefly at a conference at Yale in 2018 when IWU was incredibly graced for Sarah Farmer to come teach for us in STM. Jennings' commentary on Acts is incredible, superb. I am somewhere in the middle of his, The Christian Imagination.

He is a poet, which makes his writing difficult to move through. After Whiteness at this point is more of an experience, and its relevance is not lost on me to the announcement of Houghton's new president today. Houghton has shown itself again to be a leader in the "building up that glories in the crumbling." Paradox

My main take-away is the need for true conversation between true partners. Humility on the part of the masters of education to submit to unraveling of the academy ideals, the ideals of the old man of the academy.

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