Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Global Intro to Bible -- chapter 10 -- Modern and Post-Modern Interpretation

Managed to get a chapter of reading in today as well. I read Joel Green's chapter on modern and post-modern interpretation. As with the previous chapter, Green does a good job of plowing through all the usual suspects, giving the teacher of a class a chance to unpack.

And of course I am again aware that I am a strange fish. On the one hand, I side with the sense that a text can have more than one valid meaning. However, I do think there was a qualitative change in historical consciousness in the wake of the Enlightenment, much as the scientific revolution has created a higher scientific consciousness than ever before. 

I do not agree with where Hume took it, but I agree with the fact-value distinction. The historical meaning of the text is the historical meaning of the text (fact). The appropriation of the text is spiritual and artistic (value). They are distinct. They are both valid.

Thus belonging in both camps, I belong in neither.

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