Monday, July 13, 2020

Book Bucket List

It's the weekend. I have been trying to finish on a 10,000 word writing project. Hopefully there will be some posts on Hebrews to help me get my head around stuff.

But I thought I'd jot down some writing projects old and new to get them out of my head and serve as goals.

Four Views...
I started this book back in 2004. Normally my goal is to get scholarly level books out of my head in ten years. I'm behind. :-)

I started this one in 2011. I could still make 10 years in theory. :-)

Greek for Ministers and Scholars
Most of this one is written. Had a contract to write this one over a decade ago, but didn't return it at the time. Now it would have to be self-published. Still hope to.

Hebrew for Ministers and Scholars
A similar one... to self-publish

How to Read the Bible
This is another failure. Over half written. Still want to finish whether it can be published or not.

A Biblical Theology
This one has been gnawing at me for about five years.

The Platonic Fallacy
I'd like to write one bona fide "scholarly" philosophy book.

Collection of Essays
I already have enough articles and chapters published to publish a collection of essays on Hebrews, but they are not evenly distributed. Hebrews 1, 3, 5, 8-10 and several book level. If no one is ever going to ask me to write a serious commentary, I'd at least like to publish a monograph collection of individual studies. This could start as a targeted program of article publication to fill in the gaps.

I've started over 50 novels since before England. Finished three (Gabriel's Diaries). Here are some others I'd like to finish:
  • At least two more in the Gabriel's Diaries series
  • Schrodinger's Equation
  • Raphael's Diaries

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