Friday, April 17, 2020

Ready for my Gospels Quiz?

1. Know the key themes of Mark. Be able to recognize a likely quote from Mark if it matches one of the following themes:
  • The hiddenness of Jesus’ identity
  • The disciples’ lack of understanding
  • The connection between Jesus’ death and him being the Messiah 
2. Know the following possibilities of the Gospel of Mark’s situation
  • That it was likely written primarily for Gentiles 
  • That it was likely written around the time of the destruction of Jerusalem (AD70) 
  • Know AD70 as that date. 
3. Know the key themes of Matthew. Be able to recognize a likely quote from Matthew if it matches one of the following themes:
  • Jesus is the Son of David, the king 
  • Jesus is the authoritative teacher/interpreter of the Law, the new Moses
  • Jesus fulfills the Old Testament 
  • Most Jewish Gospel—focused on Israel in his early mission (but also has the Great Commission) 
  • Most apocalyptic Gospel
  • Hardest on the Pharisees—and the unfaithful in the church 
4. Know the following possibilities of the Gospel of Matthew’s situation
  • Primarily Jewish Christian audience 
  • Used Mark as a source (maybe Q), so possibly 70s 
  • Hardness on Pharisees may be because they were the primary alternative group at the time 
5. Know the key themes of Luke. Be able to recognize a likely quote from Luke if it matches one of the following themes:
  • The gospel is for everyone. 
  • Good news for the marginalized: the poor, widows, orphans, emphasis on the role of women, the lost sheep of Israel. 
  • Emphasis on prayer and the Holy Spirit 
  • More for Acts, but Christians aren’t troublemakers 
6. Know the following possibilities of the Gospel of Luke’s situation
  • Probably a primarily Gentile audience—indeed author may be a Gentile 
  • Used Mark as a source (maybe Q), maybe knew Matthew, so possibly 80s
  • Written in honor of a patron, Theophilus, who may have been a Roman official 
7. Know the key themes of John. Be able to recognize a likely quote from John if it matches one of the following themes:
  • Jesus pre-existed his time on earth. 
  • Emphasis on the signs Jesus did 
  • Importance of faith in Jesus in order to have eternal life 
  • Use of “I am” sayings to show who Jesus is (bread of life, light of world, resurrection and life, I AM, way/truth/life, good shepherd…) 
8. Know the following possibilities of the Gospel of John’s situation
  • Very different from the Synoptic Gospels, possibly very symbolic 
  • Maybe Ephesus, engaging both early Gnostics and non-believing followers of John the Baptist 
  • Source is the Beloved Disciple (uncertain identity), although possibly put in its current form by someone else
  • Likely written in the 90s

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