Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lectures on Philosophy

My intention is to slowly accumulate video lectures introducing philosophy from one Christian point of view. Here is the introduction to philosophy that I wrote.

0. Is Philosophy Christian? (18 minutes)
1. The Questions of Philosophy (25 minutes)

2. Thinking Clearly (logic)
3. The Existence of God (philosophy of religion)
4. The Question of Evil (37 minutes, philosophy of religion)

5. What is a Person? (philosophical psychology)
6. Perspectives on Ethics
7. Perspectives on Society
8. Perspectives on Truth (1 hour 3 minutes)
9. Philosophy of Language (hermeneutics) (1 hour 22 minutes)
10. Philosophy of Science (1 hour and 3 minutes)
11. Philosophy of History (34 minutes)
12. Philosophy of Art (25 minutes)
13. Metaphysics and Postmodernism 

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