Monday, January 14, 2019

Old Testament Theology on Patreon

I have been doing some videos/podcasts on Isaiah but it wasn't energizing me or (I think) my patrons.

So I'm switching it up. For a few months I plan to look at verses in the Old Testament in a series on Old Testament theology. The revised weekly plan is:
  • Monday - continue to do a video on the letters and pronunciation of a Hebrew verse of the week.
  • Tuesday - for patrons only, continued work on my inductive Bible study textbook
  • Wednesday - podcast on patreon covering the OT theology relevant to the verse of the week
  • Thursday - for patrons only, continued work on my inductive Bible study textbook
  • Friday - continue to do a video on the Hebrew grammar of the verse of the week
  • Saturday - patrons only, continued work on my inductive Bible study textbook
  • Sunday - Christian Sabbath :-)

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