Monday, April 02, 2018

Monday--Back to Galilee

Today's excerpt from my novella.
Early the next morning, they all began the three day journey up the Jordan to Galilee. Lazarus went with them too.

The highest heaven does not have the same time as the earth or the universe. The very moment of creation was the same moment that the Logos was incarnated and glorified in the universe. And it was the same moment that Jesus was enthroned as Lord.

He is Lord. He is risen from the dead, and he is Lord. He was always Lord outside of time. He was always the Son of God from eternity past. Yet he was also exalted to God’s right hand after he rose from the dead. He was enthroned as Son of God after the resurrection. It is a paradox beyond human understanding.

From the moment of creation the LORD said to the Lord, “Sit at my right hand.” Now, exalted to God’s right hand, God said what he says in the eternal now at the beginning of time: “You are my Son. Today I have given you birth.” Christ was eternally begotten of the Father, and Christ was declared God’s Son at the moment he was exalted after the resurrection. The heir apparent took the throne that he was already sitting upon.

The disciples spread out in Galilee to proclaim Jesus’ resurrection. They were becoming his apostles, witnesses of the resurrection sent to proclaim his risen Lordship. His mother Mary proclaimed his Lordship to Jesus’ brothers. Later that year, Jesus would appear directly to his brother James...

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