New Testament Theology
- preached the kingdom of God, the coming rule of God on earth as it is in heaven.
- like John the Baptist, to prepare he urged repentance and faith in the good news (gospel) of God's coming reign.
- God as abba
- He saw himself as the Messiah, saw his death as salvific
- Used "Son of Man" to refer to himself, both has a generic sense (I'm a guy) and an apocalyptic/Daniel 7 sense (I'm going to come on the clouds to judge the world).
- Cast out demons, understood as part of the arrival of the kingdom of God.
- Taught love of neighbor and enemy as core ethic.
- Focused on the "lost sheep" of Israel
- Uses language that treats the persons of the Trinity as distinct persons yet unique in association/fellowship.
- One God, creator, for whom all things (1 Cor 8:6)
- God is righteous (Rom). God is sovereign (Rom).
- God should be known by the creation (Rom).
- God predestined the plan of salvation and future election of his people.
- In Adam all die. In Adam sin and death entered the world (Rom).
- All sin. All under power of Sin (Rom).
- Flesh/spirit dualism--flesh under power of Sin, Spirit as power of freedom.
- God offered Jesus as atoning sacrifice, for our redemption.
- The risen Jesus is enthroned as Lord. "Jesus is Lord."
- Understood Jesus to be the "Son of God," the king of the cosmos, the "Son of David"
- Some indications of Jesus' pre-existence (Phil).
- Jesus is God. (Titus)
- Holy Spirit is essential to being a child of God. Holy Spirit is seal of God's ownership, an "earnest" of our inheritance.
- Holy Spirit intercedes for us. (Rom)
- We are "justified" by faith in God on the basis of the faithfulness of Jesus. We are reconciled to God.
- We are "sanctified" by the Holy Spirit, cleansed and set apart to God.
- We are adopted as children of God.
- Church is built on the trunk of Israel, with Gentiles grafted in.
- Church is temple, built on the foundation of Christ. Ephesians adds the apostles and prophets.
- Satan opposes God's people. Later letters like Colossians and Ephesians have more on spiritual powers and battle.
- We need to live holy and blameless lives; love fulfills the Law.
- Unity is a core goal of the church and love is the solution to the church's disunity.
- Lord's supper indicates unity, anticipates Lord's return to eat with us again.
- Later letters feature cultural structures (household-Ephesians, church-1 Timothy).
- To be absent from body is to be present with the Lord.
- All Israel will be saved in the eschaton (Romans).
- Christ will return and we will be caught up to participate in judgment (1 Thess).
- We will have a resurrection body (1 Cor).
- We will appear before judgment seat of Christ to be judged for deeds (2 Cor).
- The creation will be redeemed (Romans).
- All Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy).
- Jesus is the suffering servant, with possible overtones of Isaiah 53
- Jesus is the Son of God, most shown by Jesus on the cross.
- Uses "Son of Man" in relation to Jesus' suffering
- Jesus kept his messianic identity a secret while on earth.
- Jesus is a ransom for the sins of many.
- Israel faces great persecution, destruction of temple
- Jesus will return on the clouds
- Only those with ears to hear will hear.
- Jesus is the "Son of David," the new Moses
- Church built on the rock of Peter and his confession of Jesus as the Christ.
- Not everyone in the church is in the church.
- Church is an expanded Israel. Israel suffered in part for its rejection of Jesus.
- Jesus gives the fulfilled understanding of the Law of Moses. Love fulfills the Law. We must love our enemies.
- All nations need to hear and obey the gospel, church sent
- Strongest imagery of hell fire and (eternal) apocalyptic judgment in the NT.
- Emphasis on Jesus' ministry to the poor and marginalized. Jesus potentially includes everyone into the people of God.
- Much less focus on atonement dimension of Jesus
- All those who are lost can repent and return (Prodigal Son)
- Everyone is my neighbor (Good Samaritan)
- We are in the "times of the Gentiles"
- General resurrection of everyone will take place
- Kingdom of God will be on earth
- Jesus enthroned as Lord, Christ, Son of God at the point of his resurrection
- The Holy Spirit gives birth to the church and is essential to being in the church.
- The power of the Spirit in Jesus continues into the church to today.
- Baptism as central to inclusion in the church
Hebrews and General Epistles
- God the creator of all things (Heb)
- God is the giver of perfect gifts. (James)
- Mercy triumphs over judgment. (James)
- Jesus the sacrifice to end all sacrifices. Jesus is the great high priest. (Heb)
- Christ is greater than the angels and the old covenant (Moses, priests, sacrifices). (Heb)
- Devil holds the power of death. (Heb)
- Some angels are bound awaiting final punishment. (2 Peter/Jude).
- Humanity created to have glory and honor in the creation. (Heb)
- Humans are created in the image of God. (James)
- We are justified by works. (James)
- Those who apostatize cannot find repentance. (Heb)
- Faith is essential. (Heb)
- World will be destroyed by fire. (2 Pet)
- Humanity will rule with Christ. (Heb)
- Prophecy came by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet)
- God is love. God is light.
- Jesus the Word who came from heaven
- The Son and the Father are one. We see the Father through the Son. The Son speaks for the Father.
- Jesus is the I AM.
- Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
- The Spirit is our advocate, who leads us into truth.
- The importance of believing in Jesus. Jesus is the only way to the Father.
- We all have sin. All have sinned. Those born of God shouldn't sin. (1 John)
- If we confess sins, he will forgive. (1 John)
- There are sins to death and sins not to death. (1 John)
- Strong spirit/flesh dualism
- Jesus goes to prepare a place for us.
- There is eternal life and eternal condemnation.
- Holy, holy, holy God
- Jesus and God are to be worshiped.
- Lamb of God slain
- There will be lots of bloody wrath visited upon the earth.
- A large host of Israel will be saved.
- Two resurrections and a millennium
- Hell was created for Devil and angels
- new heaven, new earth, new Jerusalem
Good summary.