Thursday, January 05, 2017

Gadamer - Introduction 2

Previously on Gadamer

... These questions may seem to be invalid in the face of the upper hand that modern science has in the current delineation and philosophical basis for the concepts of knowledge and truth. And yet even within the sciences it cannot be avoided. The phenomenon of understanding not only pulls through all human relations to the world. It also has independent validity within science and contradicts the attempt to reinterpret it in terms of a scientific method. The investigations that follow are based on these contradictions, which assert themselves within modern science against the universal claim of scientific methodology. Our concern is to search everywhere for the experience of truth, which exceeds the realm under the control of scientific methodology, and to ask where and on what [experience] finds its own legitimation. Thus the "spiritual sciences" [1] are connected with areas of experience which lie outside science--with the experience of philosophy, with the experience of art and with the experience of history itself. These are all areas of experience in which the truth is revealed but cannot be verified with the methodical means of science. [2]

[1] Geisteswissenschaften, the studies of the arts and humanities, as it were, the non-sciences which would include philosophy, theology, etc.

[2] I perceive Gadamer here to be locating the humanities and the arts outside the realm of scientific methodology. In fact, he seems to be subsuming the sciences within experience in a way that anticipates Kuhn and others.

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