The Four Promises To Abraham,
The Millennium And Magog
The Millennium And Magog
Let us now give some consideration to God's Four Promises to Abraham in connection with Christ's Millennial reign. In point of time the first part of Promise Three, namely, to give him a blessing, would come first. Only a third of the Jews in the Promised Land had survived the awful Tribulation (Zechariah 13:9) and they needed to repent and acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Saviour. In verifying this promise in the hour of their great need Jesus lets them "look upon Him Whom they have pierced" and then "pours upon them the spirit of grace and of supplications". Immediately follows their great national repentance in which their anguish is so great that each family mourns apart, the men mourning to themselves and their wives mourning to themselves (Zechariah 12:9-14). Christ hears and gives them redemption (Ch. 13:9).
Next it would seem that the Holy Land would need some kind of rehabilitation after the world-shaking events of Armageddon. Possibly this may be referred to in the blessing of Daniel 12:12. Then God could really give Israel the land as originally promised in Promise Two, all of the way to the Euphrates.
Promise One would now be in order as the Jews had been scattered by the antichrist (Daniel 12:7). Jehovah (Christ) will gather them from the corners of the earth from their last dispersion. The woman of Revelation 12:14-17 who fled out of the Tribulation into the wilderness for three and a half years—probably to Petra in Edom—will be gathered also and the Nation rebuilt and reunited under one ruler (Ezekiel 37:22 and 24). In the light of this last reference and of Matthew 19:28 and Revelation 3:21 there might be some sort of tribal dividing of the land again. Also the millennial form of government would seem to be Jesus Christ, Lord of lords, "king over all the earth" (Zechariah 14:9, Revelation 19:16), David sub-king and prince over the whole nation again, the twelve apostles sitting "upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel" (Matthew 19:28) and the glorified church sitting with Christ in His throne of glory and associated with His ruling. With this setup established there will follow the most glorious period of government and peace that this world has ever seen. In it will be seen the millennial Temple of Ezekiel chapters 40-43. Also in it, "Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit" (Isaiah 27:6), probably spiritual fruit more especially than economic and physical, she being the head nation of the world (Romans 11:12). From these scriptures, from Zechariah 8:21-23 and Isaiah 11:9 we infer that Israel, under their Messiah, will be the missionaries and evangelists of the Millennium with astonishing results.
At the end of this thousand years and after the devil has been loosed from the bottomless pit he will lead a senseless rebellion out of earth's millennial population against Jerusalem, the capital of Christ's millennial kingdom. Those involved are called Gog and Magog. Then will God verify the Fourth Promise to Abraham again that his descendants shall in great measure determine the destinies of nations and individuals, devouring these by fire from heaven. There is a sense in which this Fourth Promise will apply in the Cycles of Eternity, as destinies finally determined are eternal.
I say that Supersessionism is the context.