Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Scott Burson's new apologetics blog

Scott Burson is a professor of philosophy at Indiana Wesleyan in the School of Theology and Ministry (STM). He has a penchant for apologetics but not business as usual apologetics. He's really beginning to make an impact in his field, and his latest book is about the theology of Brian McLaren, which he subtitles, "A New Kind of Apologetics." He thinks McLaren might have stayed a little more on the orthodox side of the line if he had known more about Wesleyan-Arminian theology.

Burson is an amazing teacher (puts me to shame). In fact, I'm hoping we can offer with him as professor an online philosophy course externally in the Spring through STM that is not actually aimed at existing IWU students but Christians who are at secular universities like IU or Purdue (as well as possibly advanced high school students). I am playfully calling it a "God is not dead" philosophy course for Christians at non-Christian schools, students who'd like to take philosophy from a Christian perspective and then transfer the credit back into their school. More on that to come.

In the meantime, I wanted to announce his new blog, A New Kind of Apologetics. He just made his second post. Check it out!

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