Thursday, May 05, 2016

Master's courses for the Fall!

The Holy Spirit, Karl Barth, and the Minor Prophets walk into a semester...

These are all courses you can take onsite at IWU in the new master's degree offered by the School of Theology and Ministry.

Here's the Fall schedule for our new Master of Practical Theology degree, a two year degree that spends the first year on campus and the second in an internship in a local church. It is designed especially for the person just graduating from college who wants a smooth transition into ministry. At the end of the degree, you'll have a degree that you can then use later as a stepping stone into a PhD or DMin program.

Fall Courses (2016)
  • Minor Prophets (Brian Bernius)
  • Hermeneutics for Ministry (Abson Joseph)
  • Pneumatology (John Drury)
  • Karl Barth (John Drury)
  • Formation in Ministry Practice (Dave Ward)
  • Practical Theology of Ministry (Amanda Drury)
Spring Courses (2017)
  • Corinthians and Thessalonians 
  • Biblical Theology 
  • Theology of John Wesley
  • Ecclesiology
  • Strategic Pastoral Counseling
  • Christian Education of Children's Families
  • Formation in Ministry Practice
This week, the first class of students in the program are doing a crash course with Constance Cherry on worship. Then Eddy Shigley will launch them out of Marion and into local churches for their internship year. Everyone in the program is significantly scholarshiped!

Again, this is a GREAT way to transition from college to ministry, with some of our students headed off this summer to everywhere from 12Stone Church to Australia. Come join us!

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