Wednesday, September 09, 2015

President Wright's Third Year Questions

I had coffee with Dr. David Wright the other day. He is now beginning his third year as President of Indiana Wesleyan University. Many will know that both of his godly parents went to be with the Lord in about the space of about a month, first his mother and then his father last week. It's a reminder to us all that we have to take up the mantle of prayer and example that their generation wore so well.

I was thinking back to when Jim Barnes and Henry Smith were President, and it seemed at times like their world was sometimes far removed from the day to day life of the residential campus. In the case of David, I know he has been pioneering a trail in the South Pacific, making possible global connections for IWU as a fully international university.

The thought emerged for him to blog through some questions about the beginning of his third year. I came up with some questions Monday night and sent them to him. He's decided to take them on at his presidential blog, which you might notice shows up in my feed to the right from time to time.

Here is his first post, which includes the questions I sent him. I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts at the start of his third year! You can also ask him questions!

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