This is my second installment of notable Latin sayings that relate to the vocabulary in the chapters of Wheelock's Latin.
Chapter 10
in vino veritas - "in wine there is truth"
via media - "a middle way"
cum laude - "with praise"
magna cum laude - "with great praise"
summa cum laude - "with highest praise"
Chapter 11
ego, id - the "I," the "it" part of me
Chapter 12
veni, vidi, vici - "I came; I saw; I conquered." (Julius Caesar)
anno Domini - "in the year of the Lord"
matres lectionis - "mothers of reading" (Hebrew letters used to indicate long vowels)
pater familias - "the father of the family"
Chapter 13
ante meridiem - "before midday" (a.m.)
in hoc signo vinces - "in this sign you will conquer" (Constantine's conversion to Christianity)
ipso facto - "by the fact itself" (drawing a conclusion)
de facto - "from the fact," what is in fact happening despite what is true "de iure," or "by law"
sui generis - "of its own kind"
ad astra per aspera - "to the stars through tribulation"
Chapter 14
ars vivendi - "the art of living"
de iure - what is true "by law" but not necessarily "de facto" or in reality
post mortem - "after death"
Gallia est in tres partes divisa - "Gaul is divided in three parts" (famous line from Caesar)
ab urbe condita - "from the founding of the city" (AUC, Roman way of reckoning years)
a priori - assumed "from before," before making an argument, presupposition
a posteriori - concluded "from afterwards," at the conclusion of the evidence
a fortiori - "from the stronger," arguing if something is true for something lesser, it is for the stronger
mutatis mutandis - "with the changing of what is changed," after only changing one key item
vim and vigor - "force" and vigor
Chapter 15
in memoria - "in memory"
inter alia - "among other things"
tertium quid - "a third something"
Chapter 16
lectio brevior - "the shorter reading" (considered more likely original in textual criticism)
lectio difficilior - "the more difficult reading" (considered more likely original in textual criticism)
Chapter 18
nomen gentis - "name of the people"
cur deus homo - "why God became man"
Chapter 19
contra - "against" (opposed to something)
Chapter 20
sensus plenior - "a fuller sense"
What about: "ideoque Sacrae Paginae stadium sit veluti anima Sacrae Theologiae (37)."
ReplyDelete"and so the study of the sacred page is, as it were, the soul of sacred theology."