Thursday, October 09, 2014

Latin Sayings (Wheelock chaps 1-9)

Here are some famous Latin sayings based on the vocabulary of the chapters in Wheelock.

Chapter 1
ex nihilo - "out of nothing" (as in creation out of nothing)
quid pro quo - "something for something" (tit for tat; you scratch my back, I'll scratch back)
cogito, ergo sum - "I think; therefore, I am" (Descartes)
Ave atque vale - "Hail and farewell" (hello and goodbye)

Chapter 2
fama volat - "fame flies"
pro forma - "for good form" (due diligence in a proposal involving finances)
audentes fortuna iuvat - "fortune favors the bold"
dies irae - "day of wrath"
pro patria mori - "to die for one's country"
sub rosa - "under the rose" (secretly)
ars longa, vita brevis - "art is long, life is short"
Et tu, Brute - "and you, Brutus" (Shakespeare's Julius Caesar)
sine qua non - "without which, not" (that without which, something essential)
id est - "that is" (i.e.)

Chapter 3
vox populi - "the voice of the people"
de facto - "on the basis of this fact"
semper fidelis - "always faithful"
semper paratus - "always prepared"
sic semper tyrranus - "thus always a tyrant" (death to...)

Chapter 4
ante bellum - "before the war"
summum bonum - "the highest good"

Chapter 5
mea culpa - "my fault"
gloria Deo - "glory to God"
verbum Dei - "word of God"
pater noster - "our father"
gaudeamus igitur - "therefore, let us rejoice"
mens sana in corpore sano - "a sound mind in a sound body" (Stoic ideal for happiness)

Chapter 6
deus ex machina - "god on a machine" (in drama, when a god swoops in to save the day)
ex libris - "from the books [of so and so]"
quid nunc - "what now"

Chapter 7
amor vincit omnia - "love conquers all"
habeas corpus - "let you have a body" (law phrase, need to produce sufficient evidence)
corpus delecti - "body of what is desired" (need for proof that a crime has been committed)
corpus christi - "the body of Christ"
ad hominem - "against the person" (logical fallacy that attacks a person rather than an argument)
homo sapiens - "thinking man" (human species, as opposed to homo erectus or homo neanderthalis)
homo novus - "a new man"
nomina sacra - "the sacred names" (abbreviations in ancient manuscripts)
pax Romana - "the Roman peace" (ushered in by Augustus)
pax vobiscum - "peace be with you"
Oedipus Rex - Oedipus the King (play by Sophocles)
tyrannosaurus rex - "tyrant dinosaur king"
tempus fugit - "time flies"
terra firma - "solid ground" (sailor coming to shore)
post mortem - "after death"'
post meridiem - "after midday" (p.m.)

Chapter 8
fides nostra victoria - "faith is our victory"
ad nauseum - "to the point of nausea"
ad infinitum - "to infinity" (to talk on incessantly)
ex tempore - "on the spot" ("from the time")
ex post facto - "from after the fact" (retroactively)
quod erat demonstrandum - "what was to be demonstrated [has been]" (Q.E.D.)

Chapter 9
locus classicus - "a classic passage"
ad hoc - "to this " ("on the spot")
post hoc propter hoc - "after this, because of this" (logical fallacy)
alter ego - "another self"
sola fide - "by faith alone"
sola gratia - "by grace alone"
solus Christus - "Christ alone"
sola scriptura - "by Scripture alone"
soli Deo gloria - "glory to God alone"
e pluribus unum - "out of many, one"
homo unius libri - "a man of one book" (John Wesley on the Bible)

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