Saturday, June 21, 2014

A world class PhD in New Testament...

1. ... would require a thorough knowledge of Koine Greek and an operating knowledge of Hebrew.

2. ... would require a substantial knowledge of Second Temple Judaism and the relevant parts of the Old Testament.

3. ... would require extensive knowledge of the first century Greco-Roman context.

4. ... would require a substantial knowledge of the last century and a half of biblical scholarship, including the ability to engage scholarship in other languages

5. ... would involve proficiency at historical-cultural method.

6. ... would not be valued by most churches, might make you a less effective preacher, and you probably still won't be able to find a teaching job. :-)


  1. If I were to set one up, I would totally go with a one on one mentor model for the whole sha-bang. The financial model would have to work for just one student. Obviously if there were more than one, the possibility for combined effort arises.

  2. Sorry, that was a sneaky title to make you look. :-) One of the most opened posts I've done in a few weeks...

  3. Phil Wiseman11:15 AM

    In regards to the last point, do you suppose that churches are simply suspicious of pastors with Ph.D's?

    In regards to wether or not a Ph.D will make you a less effective preacher, I'd love to hear you elaborate on that a bit. I definitely think that studying the NT in context tends to remove some of your "exegetical options," so whereas you may have preached an inspiring, motivational sermon on Philippians 4:13 before, now you must recognize that it's not immediately about self-actualization and achieving your dreams.

    On the other hand, I think people are hungry for genuine knowledge. They just don't want it to be done in a manner that is lacking artistry and imagination. A Ph.D in NT who aspires to also preach must not let their artistic sensibilities be squelched during their years of study.
