Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Luke 4:14-9:50 (40 Day Bible)

Two days into the 40 day Bible experience and we've blasted through almost 9 chapters of Luke. Here is the reading for today.

What strikes me the most about this first section of Luke is what I like to call Jesus' inaugural address in Luke 4:16-21. Luke arguably has put this incident first to capture what he wanted to bring out as the primary focus of Jesus' earthly ministry.

Another interesting feature of this section are the women who followed Jesus and provided for Jesus and his disciples as they ministered around the countryside.

The sayings of Jesus in Luke seem barer than those it shares with Matthew, and they aren't collected into sermons like Matthew has them. If you take the sermon in Luke 6, for example, Luke's version is "Blessed are the poor," period. Matthew 5 has the more spiritualized, "Blessed are the poor in spirit."

What stands out to you in these chapters?

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