Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pastoral Care Conference

Some of the presenters include:

Everett Worthington, Jr., Keynote speaker (two sessions), Prof. of Counseling at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Matthew Bloom, Assoc. Prof. Mendoza School of Business, Notre Dame University - Investigating Pastoral Well-being and the Well-lived Pastoral Life
Virginia Todd Holeman, Prof. of Counseling, Asbury Theological Seminary - Developing a Ministry with Brains: How to Tame an Anxious Brain
Laverne K. Jordan, Dean of Social Science and Humanities, College of Adult and Graduate Studies, Colorado Christian University - A Stress Prevention Model for Healthy Functioning in Ministry
Michael Sytsma, Licensed Professional Counselor and Ordained Minister in Special Service by The Wesleyan Church-Standing Sexually Whole & Holy in a Broken World
Mike Driscoll, Chaplain and Director of Pastoral Care, St. Elizabeth Medical Center-Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace:  Francis of Assisi’s Advice for Clergy Wellness
Michael Jordan, Dean of the Chapel, Houghton College-Neuhaus, Nouwen and Me:  Forging a Sustainable Pastoral Identity of Fragility and Confidence
Headley, Anthony, Professor of Counseling, Asbury Theological Seminary- Clergy Well Being:  John Wesley and Priorities in Ministry
Mike VanKampen, Director, Alongside- The Sabbath-Life:  A Pattern for Pastoral Health
Sandra A Metz,  Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist- Unfinished Business:  Increasing Relational Insight and Well-Being Through Family Systems Awareness
Merrill T. Reese, Assistant Professor, Regent University- Caring for the Caregiver:  Compassion Fatigue, Burnout in the Ministry
Steven Cappa, Associate Professor of Counseling, Colorado Christian University- Happy, Healthy Clergy:  7 Lifestyle Practices for Enduring Wellness
Sheryl Busby M.A. – Relational Isolation of Pastors

If you could forward this to anyone you think would be interested in clergy care issues, please do so.  We appreciate your support in this worthy first-time initiative.

I am glad to answer any questions you might have. Hope to see you there!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks like it would be difficult to decide which concurrent sessions to attend. Would love to be a fly on those walls, too!
