Monday, February 25, 2013

The DMIN cometh...

The DMIN cometh!

At Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University, we are in the very early stages of brainstorming the possibility of a Doctor of Ministry degree program and would like your help. If you or anyone you know (it doesn't have to be anyone associated with Wesley, IWU, or the Wesleyan Church) might potentially be interested in getting a DMIN one day, would you send them in the next couple weeks to the following link to answer just a few questions:

The more who participate, the better the result.  The tentative brainstorm is to commence offering the degree in the Fall of 2015.  We are also brainstorming a "bridge" for former IWU MA students to get to the 72 hours required to be "MDIV equivalent" and thus eligible for beginning a DMIN.

Thanks for any help you might give!

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