Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pope's Passing Baton

Quite a surprise that Pope Benedict is passing the baton this way. You wonder what's behind the scenes to break with a 600 year precedent. A beef Ratzinger's always had, that Pope's spent their last years on autopilot?  Afraid of other people running it while he's frail?  Wanting to have influence on who his successor is?  If I had to pick one, the last one would be high on my list as a factor.

I've never really liked Ratzinger.  I suspect he would undo a lot of Vatican II if he could. Certainly not a voice of progress.  Certainly not going to move the church forward.

My guess is that they will elect someone like Peter Turkson from Ghana, Africa. He's a little more moderate than Benedict, which works well for me.


  1. Might be of interest and pertinence to this post..

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    My son and I have been discussing the next possible pope and I wondered about something: does the selection have any kind of affect on The Wesleyan Church and/or the Wesleyan-Arminian movement for the future? I'm curious as to your take. I suppose I am thinking of a grander Christianity way.

  3. Interesting. It might in ways that might be hard to say now. We are more accepting of catholics right now because of the common stance on abortion and a common antipathy toward Obama :-) I suppose that could change...
