Monday, January 28, 2013

Immigration Reform

I want to praise Marcus Rubio today for a few reasons.  First, I appreciate those who are willing to meet in the middle to get things done.  Second, I commend that he is smart enough to realize that Republicans will continue to lose elections by increasing margins around the country if they don't change their tune on immigrants.

Most of all, it's hard for me not to think that the "path to citizenship" for illegal immigrants without a criminal record is not only the most civilized and humane option, not only the most American option, but the most Christian option.  I realize it is not without its complications--it inadvertently encourages more illegal immigration.

But it has the right spirit.  America at its best has always welcomed peaceful immigrants who want to be a part of us. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, and God insists on protection of the stranger in the land, since the Israelites were once strangers in Egypt.  Objections usually either sound morally immature or even like pretenses hiding deeper motives that aren't so pretty. Not always the case, of course, but I suspect more often than not.

And since this potential legislation fits with the Wesleyan Church's white paper on the topic, I'm allowed to take sides. :-)


  1. I am hoping that Immigration Reform will not be used to demonize the Republican Party, as many things have been.

    I understand that the proposal will be to gradually incorporate the immigrants into citizenship. One must question what this will do to those waiting in line legally to become citizens and will amnesty be a means of implementing reform of the minimum wage, as a way for Unions to justify their existence and the Democrats to expand their influence. I understand that the President is going to be talking in Vegas with a Union person at his side.
    Although it is not reported in the news, I read where our border patrols were being curtailed. Will this be a way to dissolve our borders altogether for a broadening means of global "directives".
    CBS was hosting a law prof from Georgetown arguing against the Constitution, as outdated.
    Hopefully, enough checks and balances are in place to protect from "the will of the people". Thankfully, the courts found the executive appointments unconstitutional.
    We can only watch, wait and inform ourselves and others, as we become informed. But, even being informed is a question, due to the President's attack against Fox News and "talk radio". There has to be a Free Press for a Free People. Otherwise, the propaganda machine can do the bidding of those in power and keep in check any resistance to policies that might otherwise be unpalatable....
    Krauthammer had a good opinion/commentary piece. He suggested that Obama sees himself as a "New Reagan", who will turn the country back to a social democracy...

  2. protect *FOR* the will of the people

  3. I had read about China being given land to pay back our debt. But, this video gives a more in depth info about why immigration reform might be important and our borders permeable...

    The emphasis of America being "exceptional" is anathema to "anti-colonialist" or those that want to "re-construct" the world.

  4. One can only run against the grain of reality so long, until ecological/financial/cultural currency is used up.

  5. athada
    Perhaps that is why our growth is at 0%. Sustainability must make growth decrease necessarily....guess those people that don't have jobs are sustaining the universe, but how is the universe helping them pay their bills right now. Government can't continue to take from others either, as there is a point of sustainability there as well.

    It used to be that people could expect to be upwardly mobile, but it seems that a caste system is what we are experiencing with sustainability. Then, those in power can force the "rest of us" to do what we "should be" doing!! It doesn't sound like American liberty to me!!!
