Monday, January 21, 2013

Grumbling about MLK

I'm reminded again today of how many white Christians tend to grumble about setting aside a day in honor of what Martin Luther King Jr represents in the US story.  And I'll make my yearly confession that when I was in my teens, I was one of them.  I now look back at myself with great embarrassment.

Was I denying that African Americans have something incredible to celebrate in that they are not slaves, that they have the right to vote, that they don't have to sit in the back of the bus or go to second rate schools?  It's embarrassing as a Christian even to say such things.  It is doubly embarrassing as a Wesleyan, since we were founded in support of abolition.

Am I denying that Jesus would rejoice that a part of his world, created in his image, had come to a place of liberation and empowerment?  Is there any question that he would rejoice with those who rejoice?  How can anyone who loves their neighbor as themselves--and thus puts themselves in the shoes of an African-American living in the early 60s, not rejoice at what MLK helped come to pass? There is no ambiguity in the answer.

Am I angry that the understanding of the nation as a whole, which often can see the big picture that we can't see when we are in our own tribe, our own county, our own state, our own region, was right to force the South to give equal rights to blacks?  Am I grumbling that the civil rights movement worked?  Am I grumbling that Governor Wallace repented in later life of his "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" speech?  It's embarrassing as a Christian even to suggest such things?

Why was I grumbling?  From the standpoint of Christ, there is no answer that is not ultimately embarrassing. May the Lord help me to see myself and my assumptions!


  1. I don't think whites complaining about MLK is any different than blacks using what was won to force equality, based only on their race!! In fact, forcing "anti-discrimination" standards breeds discrimination, because it does not treat one equally in a true sense. That is, based on one's performance and abilities for a particular job. But, grants special rights to a particular skin color.

  2. But that sort of objection falls into the "two wrongs don't make a right" category. All sorts of diversions come into play here. "MLK had affairs on his wife." "MLK plagiarized." But those are changing the subject. Is it appropriate for the US to have a day where we, together, celebrate victory over the oppression of slavery and massive discrimination? Absolutely!

  3. Any celebration is a good thing to me, so I'm not complaining. I just think that humans will always make judgments, and giving people a right to feel especially privileged as "victims" is disingenuous! (Don't take me wrong, there are victims, but they are the ones that suffer directly, not "collectively").

  4. I think this administration is attempting to promote our two ideals through "change".

    Equality for the impoverished (3rd world countries) and liberty for the oppressed (Muslims) is the mantra. But, at what costs is equality when people are not equal, really (values)? OR what costs to liberty when people do not really believe in liberty? Is government (the President and Congress) then, to implement such a plan that dissolves our nation of its assets to make things "fair" for those living in poverty or under discrimination? Where is the oath of office, then, to protect our Constitution and America's citizens? Can we remain viable as a nation when our national debt keeps increasing with no spending cuts to speak of and yet, no budget or debt ceiling?? Does anyone really believe that Utopian goals can be reached for everyone? I am skeptical about such goals. But, I do know what has happened in history when these goals were "promised"...

  5. John C. Gardner9:58 AM

    The issue of blacks, a supposed color blind constitution, slavery and legal segregation are tough. Americans enslaved blacks until 1865 in the South(and some in the North contributed and supported slavery by law even as late as 1865). Anyone who doubts this should read the debates over passage of the 13th amendment. Special treatment for those of a special color meant that whites in many parts of the country were allowed to have all white primaries, not sell their homes to an African American, or were subject to illegal violence. The word victims is a loaded one. I participated in the Civil Rights movement, have known outstanding black Americans, and often have worshipped in black churches. Libertarians and other conservatives were not generally involved in the Civil Rights movement which was led by black southern Americans and other religious Americans and liberals. I myself am a social conservative and somewhat of a paternalist who would pay higher taxes to foster equality of opportunity, the hiring of the best teachers, and an end to any anti-Christian treatment of minorities. In fact, I was a minority on two all black college campuses in the 1960s and 1970s.

  6. I do not prescribe necessarily to this, but it is an opinion about what is happening in our country's future. These want to "take America back" to Sovereignty and protect our Constitutional guarantees. The problem in their view is the "centralization of government"...usually minority rights, "the poor" or helpless children are useful to appeal to the emotions of men, instead of their rational capacity, otherwise, men would not give up their personal rights to government, which is really a collection of other individuals.

  7. Here is a view about how our foreign policy is faring worldwide, as well as protecting the American citizen.

    While here at home our educational system is being challenged..

    While our military are now going to be required to take a litmus test about shooting the American people and yet, Homeland Security has "loaded up arms" leaving local and State police with a shortage of ammo.

    What are we to think or do? The country is split wide open with such problems and disunity that it makes one's head dizzy!

  8. Are we not to GRUMBLE about this, Ken?
