Friday, July 27, 2012

CNN in Trouble

I was listening to a piece about how CNN has drastically lost market share.  The general reason identified is that while FOX appeals to conservatives and NBCNews (formerly MSNBC) appeals to liberals, CNN has at least had the aim of neutrality.

But most people aren't interested in neutrality. It's not exciting.  Where's the passion in Spock as a host?  People want to hear someone who foments the passions they already have.

Yep, that's pretty much my sense of things.  I at least think I've noticed recently that Chris Matthews on NBC has started badgering conservatives on his show.  Sad.  I used to think he more or less tried to be neutral.  But you've got to earn a living...


  1. John C. Gardner7:02 AM

    I concur with this post. My wife and I read liberal, moderate and conservative news sources plus those that seem to be more reliably unbiased. Too many Americans(including all of us sometimes)are beset by confirmation bias. I know, as a political independent and social conservative that truth exists morally and theologically but in realms of economic policy we can learn from all types of analysis. We watch Fareed Kazaria's GPS on CNN and find it to be both analytical and informative.

  2. John C. Gardner,
    You know that truth exists morally and theologically? And how do you know this? Oh, "by faith", "ah-hem"...."have it for yourself"...

  3. John C. Gardner6:28 AM

    It does not help discourse if it is not kept civil.

  4. It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it! - Upton Sinclair
