Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The Lethargy of Grief

The day drags on, we trudge along,
The daze of nothingness our song.
One task is done, another comes,
Mindless motion, brain is numb.

The facts are clear, their value not,
We watch without a sense of plot.
We go to sleep, we come awake,
We move our feet, for motion's sake.

The picture's there, we grab the phone.
We then remember that they're gone.
The crying's stopped, that part is past,
Now strangeness joins the acting cast.

A moment in, a moment out,
A mystery, without a doubt.
Perplexing incongruity,
Unreason near insanity.

"Vanity of vanities," the preacher says,
And glances at the stoppéd clock.

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