Thursday, March 08, 2012

An Evangelical and Critical Approach to the Gospels (by Michael Bird)

Might Mike Bird's approach be a step toward maturation for my circles?  Here is yet another example of, in my opinion, how evangelical biblical scholarship overseas is more mature than what we find in ETS in America.

An Evangelical and Critical Approach to the Gospels

1 comment:

  1. It is misguided to think that history (that is politics) doesn't have a lot to do with what even got into the text! And that takes believing in the Church, or the tradition that developed out of the Church (and which Chruch Father we want to affirm)! which takes "faith" apart from reason, because reason would understand that the politics behind what got into the text was not superintended by a Deity, but a power play over human lives by the "spiritual elders".
