Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Outline of Hebrews

I don't know if I've mentioned here that I'm writing the study notes on Hebrews for the CEB Study Bible--a great privilege for which I'm very grateful.  I've been working on the notes this morning and finally put on paper my outline of Hebrews.  I recognize that this outline is in the minority (although I'm building on the work of others, especially Walter Überlacker and George Guthrie), but I think I can defend it.

I'm using popular rather than scholarly language here.

I. Sermon Introduction (1:1-2:18)
  • 1:1-4 Call to Worship
  • 1:5-14 Celebration of Christ
  • 2:1-4 Initial Warning
  • 2:5-18 Recounting the Story (Key Verses: 2:17-18)
II. Sermon Body (2:18-12:29)

A. The Argument (3:1-10:18)

1. 3:1-4:13 Faithful to the end
2. 4:14-10:18 Jesus, our high priest
  • priest by God’s appointment (4:14-6:20; central warning is 5:11-6:20)
  • superior priest (7:1-28)
  • superior sacrifice and sanctuary (8:1-10:18)
B. The Implications (10:19-12:29)
  • 10:18-11:40 The need for faith
  • 12:1-29 Enduring the Father's discipline
III. Letter Conclusion (13:1-25)
  • Closing Exhortations (13:1-17)
  • Closing Greetings (13:18-25)
There is a great deal to explain in this outline, but alas, I'm not writing a commentary.  I'm enjoying writing the notes.  I've thought so much about Hebrews that it is proving rather effortless.  Trying to be balanced, leaving room for varying positions and not falling off the log on many.


  1. Great privilege indeed!

    You make us proud.

  2. If Hebrews is a "tradition keeping book", then the choice would be for the one hearing the sermon, "will you choose to remain faithful to "the faith", as Jesus?

    Then the Church can "make a disciple" using that person's life as an example of Christ (moral model of atonement) and John Wesley's "love model". And then those that want to study human action, and behavior concerning "alturism" have some resources as well.

    Since the discipline seems to be something that isn't enjoyed or pleasurable, then, this would be the application of "the Cross" to an indivdual's life?

    Group identifications, no matter how "special or holy" are only just organizational structures and their need for fulfilling a position to fulfil thier particular vision or purpose. Those that don't choose to agree to the "vision of purpose" are then, rebellious to "God" for not agreeing to the "strategic plan"?

    Paternalism isn't about liberty, it is about obedience. And it is what Luther resisted, because he understood that humans needed to be freed from dominating and/or authoritative oversight that imposed itself over conscience. The same could be argued regarding the American Revolution and "Obedience" to the Mother Country concerning taxation!

    Though the Church has led in affirming social norms in the past, isn's science posing questions about "the human" that also needs to be considered? And is behavior to be controlled by the Church, or should a Constitution allow for liberty of conscience?
