Sunday, July 24, 2011

Family Reunions

I've gone from my Dad's family reunion yesterday to Angie's Dad's family reunion today and this week.  I decided to share a little this morning about witnesses to those who come behind us, drawing focally on Hebrews 11 (surprise).  Have you ever looked at the families of the Bible?  Some very interesting stories!  We go from Cain and Abel to Jacob and Esau to Jacob's 12 sons and 1 daughter (that we hear about).  We wonder about Deborah and Huldah's husband and marvel at the fighting between David's sons.

If you look at the genealogy of Matthew 1 or the ancestral examples of Hebrews, there are good and bad examples but the goal is clear--to leave a good heritage to those who come after us.


  1. Glad you and Angie have a great extended family! and hope you enjoy your vacation visitng with them...

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