Sunday, May 29, 2011

Piper: Warren is my Home Boy

Thanks to Rachel Held Evans' blog and Keith Drury for pointing out this interview between John Piper and Rick Warren.  The interview makes it clear that Warren's beliefs are the same as Piper's, only that Warren has a more practical approach.

This is pretty much what I have said and why Purpose Driven Life is not really something a Wesleyan-Arminian would naturally espouse.  But in the general absence of any theological emphasis in the Wesleyan Church, it is no surprise that its pastors and leaders often unknowingly absorb these broader evangelical currents.


  1. James Petticrew10:55 AM

    I don't know if that is completely true, I have been at a conference where Warren specifically ruled out believing in a limited atonement.

  2. ". . . Purpose Driven Life is not really something a Wesleyan-Arminian would naturally espouse."


    Care to explain what you mean by this statement?

  3. I mean those parts of it that assume that God is directly causing everything that happens in your life for a reason--like the woman telling the man in Atlanta who had just shot a judge that it was all happening for a reason in his life.

    God allows everything that happens. The idea that he directs everything that happens is more of a Calvinist idea, not to mention a misinterpretation of Rom. 8:28.

  4. Thanks, that makes sense. I tend to automatically filter those things out. The idea of purposeful living seems quite Wesleyan to me. Am I wrong about that?

  5. Yes, I agree. Doing my therapy in public again...

  6. Happy to help.
