Friday, April 15, 2011

Puerto Rico 3

Yesterday was our last full day and we leave for home this afternoon.  One of the members of our team continued to meet with the Wesleyan Academy, another with a government accreditation official, and others of us with leaders of kindred denominations here.  Then in the afternoon some of us met with some individuals with significant knowledge of San Juan and brainstormed.

We'll see what happens.  I was thinking yesterday how extensive the consequences of one decision by a former president of IWU might turn out to be.  President Barnes decided to offer distance classes around the state of Indiana in the late 1980s and then to offer them online in the 90s.  The result is a university that went from several hundred students to 16,000 students, and now we may offer classes around the world.

One day someone will analyse this story from an objective point of view, with its good and bad.  It is full of insights organizational, cultural, economic, and religious.

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