Friday, January 14, 2011

Should I become an Independent?

I didn't pay much attention to the quote until Reince Priebus was elected Chairman of the Republican Party today.  Maybe you've heard it: If you are "pro-stimulus, pro-GM bailout, pro-AIG, well, you know, guess what, you might not be a Republican."  Funny, I thought I was a Republican in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, and that the party had swung way right in the last 10 years.

I guess I'm being shown the door, even though I probably voted about half and half last election. ;-)


  1. Come on over to the left of the Dems! There's plenty of room!

  2. How does one become an independent? Oh, maybe by voting about half and half. :)

  3. John C.Gardner5:37 AM

    I consider myself a social conservative but( economically-edicationally I am a Lincoln Republican). I am also greatly concerned about the issue of race. Therefore I am either an independent or a Republican leaning independent.
    In Christ,
    John C. Gardner
    Professor Emeritus

  4. I don't see any way to get rid of it but I really think the whole two party system in America promotes bad thinking and a herd mentality. Rather than our representatives voting the issues and speaking their minds, they have to play into party dynamics.

  5. Ken: it seems that our first-past-the-post voting system has a great deal to do with reinforcing the two-party system. Perhaps we should like at alternatives in how we choose our representatives (used in the broad sense of the word) at all levels.
