Wednesday, January 05, 2011

In Florida at the Gathering

The Wesleyan Church stumbled onto a good thing a few years back when they created something called "The Gathering."  No, it's not Highlander, although the jokes are already circulating now that the WC may be moving toward a single general superintendent ("There can only be one." ;-)

It's my sense that the regional minister's conference has been dead in the WC for a couple decades now, but perhaps that was just fallow ground enough for a "minister's reunion" to go gang busters.  I'm not sure what attendance is at this one.  I wonder if they should have scheduled it between Christmas and New Years.  I wasn't able to bring my family, for example, because public school started back up yesterday.  But attendance was unexpectedly large at the first one.

OK, I was wrong.  Excellent line up.  Good work to the committee.


  1. Dick Norton8:02 AM

    Is there nothing for us to learn from those outside our walls? Maybe having "outsiders" come in keeps us from subtle envy -- "How come they didn't have ME speak?" To borrow from another thought, we can all be equal at the foot of the "outsider."

  2. All true proverbs also!
    Thanks, Dick

  3. Do you have a shift at the seminary information table? We only had the budget to send the co-pastors to The Gathering this year.

  4. Enjoy the community.
    P. S. You are good, smart and likable.

  5. I take it all back now that I'm here. It seems to be a nice mix of inside/outside, although I haven't been to a session yet ;-)

    Paul, I didn't have to pull a shift this time. I take it you're not here then? It's been nice to see several here--Steve Jones, Mike Skor, etc... We need to work at getting you cohorts into fellowship. ;-)

  6. Correct, I am not there this year, but I couldn't help but wonder which one of us got our face on the giant seminary poster at this event :-)

  7. I heard 1,800 people attended. Not sure how accurate that is. The room for the rallies was huge, and it seemed packed.
