Friday, July 23, 2010

Greek Connecting Words (subordinate conjunctions)

You can tell how desperately under water I am when I blog as seldom as I have these last two weeks. To pass the time here's a video lecture I made today on some key connecting words to notice in your Greek interlinear.

IWU has switched video software again, so I'm afraid that all the links I've provided in the past are toast. There's a lesson there about technology and progress (assuming we are progressing). I guess all the material I've generated these last five years still exists, including an entire video commentary on the book of Hebrews. Whether I will receive access to it all again and have the stamina to recreate all the links (yeah, right), we'll see.


  1. The link ( does not seem to be correct either ("Server not found" error).

  2. Funny, it just worked for me.
