Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Greek for Ministry Begins!

Tonight we opened the new Greek for Ministry course with Wesley Seminary at IWU. It's a hybrid class, meaning that it has both online and onsite students. For example, there are six of us right now in Indy at the IWU Indianapolis North Education Center. They're working in two groups looking for key connecting words in Galatians 3.

About an hour ago the other five online students met with us for a joint Q & A session with PowerPoints and chat function. OK, OK, not all of them could join tonight, but we recorded the session so that they can look at it later. They'll do the same group work.

All groups, both online and onsite, will post their group work in Blackboard, where all course materials are located. Lectures are pre-recorded vidcasts as well. We're using Mounce's Greek for the Rest of Us and the Mounce and Mounce interlinear/analytical as textbooks.

I'm pumped! No need to spend the majority of your time memorizing forms almost everyone will forget the summer after they take it. Now we can focus directly on meaning and get to the most rewarding topics--which most Greek students either never get to or do not get until the second year...

1 comment:

  1. I hope that this works out. I'd enjoy seeing the syllabus.
