Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Doctor's Office is Useless

Most times, you wait forever for an appointment. Then you wait an hour in the waiting room. Then they at best tell you no more than you already knew. Or maybe they prescribe Amoxicillin for your child--which has long since become useless. Your insurance gets charged, you give your twenty dollar co-pay, you get your Amoxicillin knowing it won't do anything, you pay your five dollar co-pay.

This is really just a stalling game, to weed out the really sick from the wimps and paranoid parents. Doctors probably know, they probably talk about it. Sickness is normal human stuff. Giving medicine actually makes these little vermin stronger. You need to let the sickness just take its course for the good of humanity.

So really a second visit is the first real visit. Only then do doctors start to take you seriously.


  1. doctors are the biggest drug pushers in the country

  2. Stacey Clay9:56 PM

    Ummm...considering I'm in the Medical Field, I'm gonna leave that one alone...

  3. Seriously, you shouldn't even see a doctor until the second visit. A nurse or even a secretary in the office could cover the first one on the phone or online. In fact, just make Amoxicillin over the counter, and I'll do the first useless round myself... :-)

  4. Not useless. They are glad to collect the money. Remember it costs and they collect much, much more than copays.

    Good intentions? Maybe, I hope so.

    More interest in profit than people? It's starting to look that way.

  5. I wasn't really meaning to disparage doctors themselves, still less nurses. We play the game right along with them, needlessly going to the doctor because we are wimps and think we have a right to instantaneous healing of any ailment. But sub-nurses could handle most first visits. Frankly, a computer survey could without ever even seeing a person.

    On the other hand, half the time it's an endless guessing game even when the "expert" is in the room. And without lumping all doctors in the same boat, I am mindful that America is the land of opportunity where you don't have to be excellent to go far, and doctors don't have to show you their GPA in med school.

    The question of the doctors who group themselves and send each other business, as well as the drug angle, is a story in its own right!

  6. Actually, there are some economists and cultural critics that suggest such a prescription to "life"...letting things take its course!
