The seminary and MDIV at IWU continue under construction. The splash grand opening will be October 1, although we're open for business August 3rd with classes. I think we have our first hire beyond Bob Whitesel, but I can't say till Visiting Professor contracts are signed. It looks good!
But here is a snippet of our vision, the IWU seminary (actual name to be revealed October 1) translation of Acts 2:2:42-27,:
“They devoted themselves to the commonly agreed curriculum, to fellowship in each other’s discussion forums, and to prayer together. Everyone was filled with awe at the way the professors actually liked each other and were not put off to have other professors drop in on their classes. They sold their traditional seminary turf and offered it to those who needed practical ministry skills. Every day they continued to meet together online and onsite. They broke bread in the cafeteria and in their homes with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the students. And the Lord added to their number every semester those who actually wanted to do ministry.”