Sunday, February 15, 2009

Moody Conference for Men in Ministry

Keith Drury has an interesting post for this week on pastor's wives. What apparently got him thinking about it was a conference at Moody for men in the ministry (pastors' wives are allowed to attend the general sessions for free).

Needless to say, I am not surprised that Moody is not inviting women pastors. Certainly God has done much good through this Institute... and I suspect mortal minds there have also done their share of harm. So it is almost anywhere...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:56 PM

    It is worth noting that Moody was one of the first Bible colleges to train women for the pastorate. Of course much has changed since then (early 20th century). But after attending Moody I must say there is hope for women studying to become pastors. The largest obstacle right now would be the old complamentarian donors the fund the entire school (not to sound "better" than them in any way).
