Thursday, January 15, 2009

Instructional Videos: Observing Texts in Detail

I hope we will able to record this material professionally as resources for IWU's MDIV (cross your fingers, seminary). But for now, I've used IWU's Adobe Connect resources to create these four vidcast reviews for an assignment I have all my undergraduate Bible classes do.

1. What is a Detailed Observation?

2. Observing Key Words and Grammatical Features

3. Observing Train of Thought and Literary Features

4. Writing Up the Assignment


  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Valuable resources to those of us who love learning this material but aren't in your MDIV :-).

    I thought they looked very good, I would only suggest an upgrade in camera quality to deal with the grain of the picture, but hey, it could be my own broswer speed.

  2. Yep, we'll want to record these sorts of things professionally, Kris. But I was running out of time for this semester...
