Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Suggested Postmodern Shift in Confirmation

Last night my Church and Postmodernism class came to an end with presentations from all the students. I have permission from Kevin Davis © to post six possible changes in the way the Lutheran Church might do confirmation with middle schoolers in the light of shifts in postmodern culture.

1. From Program to People
Build on the interpersonal relationships rather than meetings and activities.

2. From Attractional to Missional
Less concerts, flyers, etc. and more going, doing, service.

3. From Centralized to Decentralized
More small groups throughout the week, let the youth worship with their families on Sundays

4. From Agenda Driven to Service Oriented
Get out into the community rather than going down a checklist in the church walls

5. From Separatists to Collaborationalists
Interact with other churches, let the community use your facilities

6. From Orthodoxy to Orthopraxy
Focusing more on the heart than the head

I thought this was a good presentation because it 1) accurately reflects changes in culture, 2) has good priorities, and 3) might actually work with real people :-)


  1. I really don't see the need for the Church, as denominations define or as defined by Scripture. And really, what is the difference in being involved in a community with the Kiwanas, YMCA, or any other organization? And certainly, then, one must identify with the culture/city one lives in.

    People who have chosen to move to Marion, for instance, because of their commitment to the university should be asked how they identify with the culture, and city of Marion. Maybe this should be required of new professors in their job descriptions.

  2. I respect honest atheists and true liberals, who in theory are willing to follow evidence and lines of reasoning to whatever end it may lead. I do think of you as an honest agnostic, Angie.

    However, I wonder if you recognize the logical consequences of a world without a Guarantor of goodness. Have you read Thus Spake Zarathustra by Nietzsche? The madman comes to those celebrating the death of God and warns them that the consequences are nihilism and Holocaust.
